About the
Friends of East Gate


The East Gate Toll House is an architecturally and historically significant building and one of the last remaining toll gate houses in New York State. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and located in Hillsdale on Route 23, which was the old Columbia Turnpike, chartered in 1799. 

The Friends of East Gate (FoEG) was formed in 2016 to raise money to stabilize, preserve and restore the historic East Gate Toll House. We are local residents, civic leaders and historic preservationists working towards a common goal: developing the building as an historic center and exhibit space, one that tells the story of how toll roads in general, and the Columbia Turnpike in particular, played a role in building a vital and robust early American economy. 

FoEG raises funds through grants and private donations. Initial funds were used to purchase and stabilize the building.

The current phase includes:

  • Execute plan to deconstruct and reconstruct the toll house.

  • Methodically disassemble and store reusable materials.

  • Develop a site plan for a new foundation behind the existing site.

  • Continue to raise funds for project.

The next phase includes:

  • Restore the interior and exterior of the building to reflect its history and future as residence or small business.

  • Reconstruct the toll gate.

FoEG and supporters believe that a community’s historical and cultural heritage are vital economic assets and should be preserved to whatever extent is possible. It is well demonstrated that historical preservation enhances local economies by encouraging tourism and business development. 

Your donations can help us achieve the dream of restoring East Gate into something self-sustaining and productive for the education and enjoyment of local residents, visitors and the public at large. 






All Photos Courtesy of B. Docktor


The Friends of East Gate

Board of Directors

James Wagman, President
Jamie Johnson, Treasurer
Steve Bluestone, Trustee
Peter Cipkowski, Trustee
Edgar Masters, Trustee



Kate Asher
Fran Eberhart
Michael Devonshire